Nova Prime XL_v1.0


基础:SDXL 1.0



<lora:Nouvis>, Full body Complex 3 d render of a beautiful fascinating biomechanical female cyborg with a porcelain face, analog, beautiful natural light, rim light, 1 5 0 mm lens, aztec warrior, feathers, piercing, aztec tattoos, white blossoms, vanilla leaves and stems, sinuous roots, white blossoms, fine foliage lace, steampunk, silver gold filigree details, alexander mcqueen high fashion haute couture, pearl earring, art nouveau fashion embroidered, hexagonal mesh wire, mandelbrot fractal, facial muscles, cable wires, microchip, elegant, beautiful natural light, studio lights, rim light, highly detailed, hyperrealistic, sharp, octane render, h. r. giger style, volumetric lighting, 8 k post production, detailed, realistic, 8k uhd, high quality

Negative prompt: blurry, blur, text, watermark, long neck, smooth, plastic, blurry, low-resolution, deep-fried, oversaturated

Steps: 120, Model: Nova_XL, width: 768, height: 1344, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 5, modelIds: , versionIds:

<lora:Nouvis>, a small city sitting in an island in a ceramic bowl full of water| beautiful night sky | photo manipulation| beautiful composition

, detailed, realistic, 8k uhd, high quality

Negative prompt: blurry, blur, text, watermark, long neck, smooth, plastic, blurry, low-resolution, deep-fried, oversaturated

Steps: 120, Model: Nova_XL, width: 768, height: 1344, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 5, modelIds: , versionIds:

Nova Prime XL_v1.0



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